Our member schools
There are currently eight member schools in the Australian Schools Alliance Vietnam.
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. The ASA Vietnam member schools offer students high quality academic programs, as well opportunities for personal and social growth through co-curricular and community outreach programs.
Use the search field below to identify the member schools of ASA Vietnam that are of most interest to you.
Melbourne, Victoria

Melbourne Girls Grammar
Melbourne Girls Grammar is committed to the provision of an exceptional education for girls with an emphasis on strong Christian values, high expectations, creativity and academic challenge.
Within a supportive and positive learning environment, girls will discover their passion and build their capacities for action and influence.
Girls School
Prep to Year 12
1124 Students

Wesley College
We aim to transform lives through an educational journey that enables every child to grow and thrive — and become a thoughtful, engaged and contributing citizen of the world.
We are inspired by our motto, “Dare to be wise”, which challenges us to draw on our individual courage and wisdom to lift ourselves and those around us.
Prep to Year 12
Boardings and homestay
3400 students
Geelong, Victoria

Geelong Grammar School
Our purpose is to shape a better world. We do this by focusing on enabling wisdom within others and ourselves so that each of us can make a positive difference.
Year 5 to Year 12
1500 students
Brisbane, Queensland

Stuartholme School
As an international Sacred Heart School, Stuartholme has a reputation as a devoted, supportive learning environment, fostering a sense of community and belonging for each girl. Along with more than 200 Sacred Heart schools in over 40 countries, the educational framework is guided by the Goals of Sacred Heart Education. These Goals articulate the forward-thinking and dynamic educational philosophy of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat.
Girls School
Year 7 to 12
Boarding and homestay
700 students
Perth, Western Australia

Aranmore Catholic College
At Aranmore Catholic College, we believe in the inherent dignity of the individual and provide holistic education attending to the spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional development, through nurturing to each student’s abilities and talents.
Year 7 to 11
700 students
Sydney, New South Wales

PLC Sydney
We strive to provide an environment where our students can grow and develop into young women of integrity and purpose, who seek to make a positive contribution to society, and who carry a genuine concern for the welfare of others.
Girls School
Prep to 11
Boarding and homestay
1536 students
Wollongong, New South Wales

The Illawarra Grammar School
The achievement of Academic excellence in a Caring environment that is founded on Christian belief and behaviour, so that students are equipped to act with wisdom, compassion and justice as faithful stewards of our world.
Year 1 to 11
1000 students
Townsville, Queensland

The Cathedral School
The mission of The Cathedral School is to be a caring, Christian community in which children are challenged and inspired to explore, learn and grow so they will be equipped to make wise decisions as informed members of society.
Prep to 12
1125 students
Launceston, Tasmania

Launceston Church Grammar School
Established in 1846 and the oldest continuously operated Independent School in Australia, Launceston Church Grammar School is an Anglican co-educational day and boarding community for Early Learning to Year 12. Our School is where global learners and leaders are nurtured, challenged and inspired to serve and shape our world with courage, curiosity, creativity and compassion. We are registered to accept international students in Year 7 -12
Year 9 to 12
650 students